York Time Bank

The York Time Bank is a platform for the sharing of time and talents on a community-wide scale. Skills and services are exchanged among members using time as a currency.

We’re expanding the range of exchanged that we facilitate and encourage to include member-to-group exchanges (a member leading a class or workshop for several members, for example) and more ambitious community projects.

We also hope to connect with community groups throughout York, so that every volunteer in York earns time credits for the time they spend making York even better.

Our first public art project is the Penn Street Art Bridge, a new public art space forming on the walls at the end of Penn Street, to transform an ongoing offensive graffiti issue into a vibrant community asset.

We are also in the early stages of an exciting public sculpture project, but it’s too early to unveil just yet.

Check out the York Time Bank site for more info about time banking, and if you’re in York, you can join the time bank at York.timebanks.org